Forgotten Health - Hardback Edition
Forgotten Health - Hardback Edition
This book is my heartfelt contribution to the true epidemic that is cancer in the Western world, and my commitment to teaching people about nature’s incredible provisions to cleanse and heal our bodies.
All around me my family seemed to be getting sick with
cancer. Some of them died. I witnessed their devotion to the doctors who couldn’t heal them, and instead sent them home to die. I started to question: Why do we still trust the use of poisons and toxins to treat illness in the body, when cancer is the body’s response to poisons and toxins in our modern world? This took me on a journey of deep study, and I started to act upon what I was learning about nature’s simple, plentiful plants, herbs, oils and resins, and the incredible way they could make a person well.
It is my sincerest belief that within the pages of this book you will find your personal way to health and healing through simple, natural remedies.
Paperback also available via Amazon.
- £5.99 Royal Mail 1st Class
- 100% Natural & Vegan
- UK Hand-harvested Herbs